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David R. Gold LLC





 Community Groups

 Private Mediation




Innovative Communication Solutions for 

David R. Gold has significant experience interacting with goverment as a community leader, and serving in leadership capacity on government advisory boards:

  • Strategy and design for public input process

    • Current contract with Santa Fe County includes design and implentionation of public input strategy, with staff, for new Sustainable Land Development Code
    • Initiated new methodologies including:
      • Concept Decision Points
      • two way remote meetings
      • on-line public input data base
    • Over 25 public meetings
    • Interaction with staff, public and elected officials
  • Faciliate Public Meetings

    • Faciliated public meetings over a 20 year period
    • In-depth experience with: water, land use, zoning, affordable housing, open space and trails, covenants
  • Concept Decision Points (CDPs)

    • CDPs focus citizens on important issues, rather than minor details
    • Promotes community understanding of decisions elected officials face
    • Functions as a large scale mediation process





